






      1、Vowel before consonant, e before i

      2、Final e drop when you add a suffix beginning with a vowel

      3、When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking

      4、Great vowels make good neighbors

      5、Add s to most nouns that end in an o

      6、If the word has one syllable and ends in a single consonant, double the consonant

      7、A-E-I-O-U, and sometimes Y and W

      8、Change Y to I when you add a suffix to a word ending in Y


      1、Adjectives tell us what kind; adverbs how, why or when

      2、Some adverbs end in ly, and some dont have to be

      3、Most adverbs are formed by adding ly to the adjective

      4、Adverbs that dont end in ly often come from verbs


      1、Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs

      2、Be careful with linking verbs, to understand which verb is right

      3、A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, gender and person

      4、A personal pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number, case and gender

      5、Use who to refer to people, and which to refer to animals, things, and ideas


